Sunday, July 20, 2008

With Cecelia and Teresa in God's Country

We connected with Chris' two sisters who are on a Princess tour of this beautiful state. They arrived at the Lodge about an hour before we did, so we had lots to catch up on before dinner.
Of course, we had to pull out the tripod for a family portrait. We were camping on the Klutina River only about a mile from their lodge.
Dinner was delightful. Chris and I had bab y back ribs....definitely finger-lickin' good. They gave us finger towels that were so hot they were steaming....I guess they didn't want me to lick my fingers....fooled them!
This is so not a good picture. It was taken through my windshield on the way back from our visit with Teresa & Cecilia. They were right on the drive to our campground....and I had no time to open the window and get the picture that way.
Heading toward Valdez in a couple of, until we "connect" again.

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