Here's a couple of the fireplugs I told about yesterday. Aren't they unique? I know painting fireplugs
would never fly in the U.S. Wouldn't be able to find them when ya need them. But they do have interesting ways to make their little towns beautiful. Took a nice walk last night; Tommy kicked up a bunny and we saw this deer. This morning while walking into town we saw snow on the mountains! beautiful! And notice the blue sky??? The morning was beautiful for our tour of Ft. Macleod. Pronounced Mc-Loud....just like the Texas Ranger on TV.
would never fly in the U.S. Wouldn't be able to find them when ya need them. But they do have interesting ways to make their little towns beautiful. Took a nice walk last night; Tommy kicked up a bunny and we saw this deer. This morning while walking into town we saw snow on the mountains! beautiful! And notice the blue sky??? The morning was beautiful for our tour of Ft. Macleod. Pronounced Mc-Loud....just like the Texas Ranger on TV.
But now, while I'm doing this, it's thundering and pouring outside. But looks like sun will return. We probably walked a couple of miles today; to the Fort and around town.
Tomorrow we plan on heading to "Head Smash-in Buffalo Jump", only a couple of miles from here. Then on to Bannf and Jasper National Parks.
Turns out that we packed clothes very well for our trek. Needed the type of clothes that we brought. If you see letters out of place in this, I'm having fits with the cursor....just pops anywhere it wants to, and sometimes I can't find where it goes!
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