Monday, March 2, 2009

The Centipeed Crawls In...

This age old arcade game, the Centipeed, "crawled" into the VanderHorst family room last Saturday. Since then everyone from Jozie to grandmas have tried their skill. This is one of the original early 80's vintage arcade games. Stephanie regressed to her high school days of being at the roller-rink when she had a friend bid on this game at an auction. The only thing that Stephanie is missing is the teased up hair and roller skates!
Justin & Jacob are getting into the competitive spirit. You can't see Jake's crutches (foot surgery....will be on them a few more weeks)...thankfully he's not using them as weapons.

Note Jake balancing on 1 foot.....he's getting good at that.
We also had another welcomed visitor....Justin, looking spiffy in his big buy....the hat. Looks good on him. He's living and working in Mishiwaka right now with Stephanie's sister....Dr. Duguid (no kidding....that's her name... pronounced "do good"), but less formally, it's Aunt Tonya to Justin.

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