Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dawson's Big Night

A couple of weeks ago Stephanie and I went to a "jewelry party" hosted by a friend of hers. We thought this would be right up Jozie's alley, so we took our "girly girl". Our only mistake was even letting her try on the jewelry. Then she HAD to try on every piece of jewelry and ring...All at the same time! We created a monster! Dawson invited Grandpa and me to his "crossing over" from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. In spite of the threat of a snow storm we packed up and headed out for Chicago on Friday, Feb. 20th.
In this picture Dawson is already a Boy Scout and you can see his neck scarf of the Troop that he is going to join. Mom and Dad look proud. And Keven looks more "relieved" because he gets to get out of being the Cub Master, Pack Leader and anything else that no parents would volunteer for.

Here Dawson poses with the display for the Arrow of Light that he worked for. It is the only award from Cubs that he gets to carry over to his Scout uniform. You can kind of see the very
creative individual arrows that each parent made for their son. They are wrapped with different leathers and beads signifying the different things the boys had to accomplish to earn the badge.

PaPa was glad to pull out his "Silver Beaver" award that he received years ago. It is the highest award for volunteerism at Boy Scout Council Level. The coucils have merged since then, so I don't even know the name of the council out of Ann Arbor, MI is. It used to be the Wolverine Council. Was a nice week end.
Eye update: my eyesight is getting better all the time. It's not perfect yet....but I am sure thanking God for what I've got. Praise the Lord.

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