Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More of Pancake Tuesday

And this is the famous "giant pancake". When it has been put on a TV cooking show, this tastey morsel is cut into four dainty pieces. But this yummy pancake can be devoured totally by any VanderHorst. Last night we served link sausage as a side. It's not one of those dishes where everybody can sit down together, unless you have more than one caste iron skillet, because it takes about 17-18 minutes for each. This is the recipe:

Set oven to 425 degrees

2 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
4 tbsp of butter / margarine
2 tbsp. powdered sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice

Mix eggs, flour, milk & nutmeg. Melt butter preheated skillet in oven. Pour mix into skillet. Return to oven for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden brown. (took mine about 16 min.)
Sprincle pancake w/ lemon juice & powdered sugar and return to oven for 1-2 minutes (I do 2 min.)
Serves 4....(unless you're a VanderHorst....then it serves 1 - 2)

This original recipe I pulled out of the Reader's Digest about 20 years ago.
Bon Apetit'

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday or Ponzki Day or.....Mardi Gras!

And this is a PONZKI. Pronounced "punch - key". This is one that I bought today at WalMart because we don't have a real bakery closer than Ft. Wayne. Unfortunately, this particular box of ponzkis that I bought were a great disappointment....not the best ones I ever had.
But this is what Jozie thought of hers! Josiah was so busy stuffing face to take time to smile!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dawson's Big Night

A couple of weeks ago Stephanie and I went to a "jewelry party" hosted by a friend of hers. We thought this would be right up Jozie's alley, so we took our "girly girl". Our only mistake was even letting her try on the jewelry. Then she HAD to try on every piece of jewelry and ring...All at the same time! We created a monster! Dawson invited Grandpa and me to his "crossing over" from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. In spite of the threat of a snow storm we packed up and headed out for Chicago on Friday, Feb. 20th.
In this picture Dawson is already a Boy Scout and you can see his neck scarf of the Troop that he is going to join. Mom and Dad look proud. And Keven looks more "relieved" because he gets to get out of being the Cub Master, Pack Leader and anything else that no parents would volunteer for.

Here Dawson poses with the display for the Arrow of Light that he worked for. It is the only award from Cubs that he gets to carry over to his Scout uniform. You can kind of see the very
creative individual arrows that each parent made for their son. They are wrapped with different leathers and beads signifying the different things the boys had to accomplish to earn the badge.

PaPa was glad to pull out his "Silver Beaver" award that he received years ago. It is the highest award for volunteerism at Boy Scout Council Level. The coucils have merged since then, so I don't even know the name of the council out of Ann Arbor, MI is. It used to be the Wolverine Council. Was a nice week end.
Eye update: my eyesight is getting better all the time. It's not perfect yet....but I am sure thanking God for what I've got. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Peepers: First Hurdle Crossed

The first hurdle is crossed: the "spot welding" by Laser surgery of my retina to the rear of the eye ball has held. Retina is tight against the back of the eye. All restrictions I had (lifting, reading for a length of time, exercising, etc.) have all been lifted. Though I can't see much better than last Friday when all happened, the Dr. says that my "measurements" are 40% better. Son't have to return for 5 weeks; by then things should have improved significantly. I sure hope. After we opened gifts on Christmas morning, Chris and I headed north to Michigan to see two of our children and about 6 grandchildren. Was a fun time. Even got to Michelle's as she was putting a turkey dinner on the table. Couldn't have planned that better if it had been planned!
Above are Brittany, Mel and Joshua. The goofy "horns" by Josh's head are done by the big boy to the right....don't kids outgrow that????

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Chris & I have now been "happily everaftering" (as Paul Harvey said) for 39 years now.In this day & age, that's some kind of a record. AND living in close "qurters" with my sweetie last summer on our Alaskan Adventure for 3 months and still be married at the end, has got to be a record in its own.
To think of all we've done and places we've been over those years...6 children....20 grandchildren. Chris has been to all 50 states of the Union. And come to think of it, the only state I have doubts that I've been there is Alabama & Arkensas. Probably was there, too, just don't remember. Anyway....back to reminiscing. We gave driven from Main to California and to Alaska...but not all at the same time. We've built a house, remodeled houses, traveled to basketball games, coached teams, been scoutmaster and troop leader for Boy & Girl Scouts, been to high school & college graduations in the heat, cold, and wind, had many dogs and various animals, raised pups, and babied geriatric dogs, chased a loose cow in the desert, and butchered an elk in our kitchen. Our walls of our home now look like a museum of our ancestors, extended family, children & grandchildren. It definitely looks like a home of folks with a history.
And looking to the future...tomorrow I see the retinologist in Ft. Wayne. I hope I find out more about my eye and also hope to have the physical restrictions I have lifted. Prayers, please.
So, until we connect again....