Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 14: Alaska Hwy; Mile #143, Pink Mountain

This is "Mile 0" in Dawson Creek. The original post was knocked down by a local drunk driver in 1946. So, this was the replacement. It is literally in the middle of a "round-a-bout" so we couldn't really go out and get our picture in front of it. The building right behind it is a museum that has lots of stuff on the history of building the Alaskan Highway.

Of course, you know...these pictures were taken a couple of days ago....and now the journaling r is from Friday night to right now.....Sunday afternoon. here we go...
We camped last night in a campground because we REALLY
omwanted hot showers. Raining when we camped, rained all night and continues to rain…the gentleman in the camp said that yesterday they had 3” of snow. The rain killed that, but I saw the remnants. When I registered yesterday, I asked if the rain was an “all-day-er”; this old lady “who looked like an old prospecter’s wife, wrinkled & weathered, shook her head “yes”; I asked if could be an “all-night-er” and she nodded again; then, from behind the door, a man said: “Could be an ‘an all-month-er’!”
Didn’t get any pictures at the campground because I didn’t want to get the camera wet. We took a walk along a 4-wheeler
path running beside the highway. Tommy thought it was bunny season because because of the snow and cold; she getting her nose in the brush trying to kick one up. We spent a while playing “turkeyfoot” dominoes. Learned that game from Don & Katy Esterline last month.
We did meet some folks who camped right next to us froam Baldwin, Mi. They didn’t know Bob & Sheila Myers, because they lived past the old fish hatchery (Porter Road?) towards Idlewild, and weren’t in Bob’s district. Strange world where you meet people. Parked on the other side of us were some folks pulling a trailer returning from Tok, Alaska to their home in Idaho. They have a farm in Danville, IN. Yup, small world.
Drove of rain about rain about 10 am; patchy clouds with blue sky showing through; temp up to 54 degrees and sun shine!!!!
Just saw a black bear beside the road; got pics. Will post them next time cuz they’re still in the camera.
Stopped in Ft. Nelson for some sight-seeing and lunch.
Ft. Nelson’s geographical position is –122 degrees, 50’ 32” by 59 degrees 49’ 14”
The day has turned beautiful; we shed our rain suits. It’s 61 degrees, but the mosquitoes have arrived. We went to the Ft.
Nelson Heritage Museum. Very interesting; saw vintage video of building the Alaskan Hwy. Then we at lunch along the side of a road in town; pulled out a chair, clothes bin for a table and relaxed.
Now we are headed for Laird Hot springs.
Camped Saturday at Laird Hot Springs Provincial Campground.
Beautiful natural hot springs with temperatures ranging from 108 to 126 degrees….and yes they were that hot! We walked to it from our campsite; it was about ½ mile, and ½ of that was on a boardwalk through a wetlands that supports 14 species of orchids that can survive at this latitude d/t the hot springs. We didn’t see any blooming. We opened the camper’s windows to help take the dampness from all the rains out of it, hung out Chris’ rain suit over the camp chair and left for the hot springs. Had a wonderful walk. The springs were quite large; had changing rooms. Lots of folks in the springs; gravel bottom; board walk and rails all around. One end was cooler than the other end various stairs down to the different ends. The water was so hot that I couldn’t get in at first…had to walk to the cooler end and work my way to the hot end. Of course we met folks while in the springs to chat. Didn’t take the camera because of the clouds and threat. After we had soaked sufficiently in the awesome heat, we started back to camp. On the way back to camp the drizzle turned to a downpour and by the time we got back we were dripping. Needless to say….Chris’ rain suit was drenched inside and out, and it rained into the camper. Did a bit of mop-up and enjoyed the evening. Some loud and drunk neighbors didn’t seem to bother us when we hit the sack (9:30…early for us now) because we never heard a thing and fell asleep immediately!
It’s fun leap-frogging with folks. We’ ve met a couple of folks from Baldwin, MI when we camped in Pink Mountain. They camped same place with us yesterday; enjoyed visiting with them. When we see someone we have previously chatted with, the next time we see them on the road, there are big waves, like long friends! Just out of Ft. Nelsons today, at a road side pull off for pics, we met Team Snooks, some geocachers from Florida. They’ve been on the road since Feb. and their vacation is following one cach to the next; could be several hundred miles apart. We met another couple, from Pennsylvania, who have been on the road since November.
Now we're stopped in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. Chris has put his sign up in the "sign forest"; it's sunny and I hope it doesn't rain....loving the sun! will write more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading where you've been mom. Awsome. I'm just finishing up some transcripts tonight after I put kids to bed. It's rain, rain, rain here.