This is the absolute bible for anybody planning on traveling in western Canada and Alaska. An ooooooooooold friend of ours, Jerry Ross, whom Chris has known most of his life, told us that the book is an absolute MUST. Jerry lives in Brooklyn, MI (right accross from Michigan International Speedway ). He and his wife, Del, drove to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada once, and another time to Alaska. (Inuvek is on the Arctic Ocean; brrrrrr)
This book is the size of a telephone book....not the Waterloo telephone book. More like the Chicago telephone book white pages! It's huge! AND they put a new one out each year. It comes out in March and is update annually. The main information is the same, but incidentals, like road work places, etc. are updated. The folks who put out the Milepost drive EVERY road each year, and note the changes. The whole thing is written in some kind of shorthand, that one needs to get accustomed to to read it. It tells what is at each mile of the roads. It tells how far you are from the next big city, and how far you came from the last one, where there are gas stations, telephone service, WiFi, camping, good fishing, etc. It gives the history of different places, towns, etc.
I've read loads of this book already, and it gets me more and more excited to leave on our trip. It tells what to expect at each mile along the Alaskan Highway (formerly known as the AlCan Highway). You will have to read this summer when we write about the mountains, hot springs, fishing and much, much more! Can't wait!
1 comment:
There is another must have road trip book: The Next Exit (if you dont already have it)
You can get it here: http://www.TheNextExit.com
This one only covers the continental U.S., but they may have other versions - I just havent looked for them to know if they do or not. Its great becasue this is a comprehensive guide to all things at "the next exit" on the highway!
Looking forward to reading about your Alaska Trip! We are totally looking forward to our westward trip here in a few years when matt gets a little bigger.
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